​Class – 271
Introduction to ADVERBS | adverbs ಅಂದ್ರೆ ಏನು | Types and Uses
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​Class – 272
Use it correctly | WHERE to put -Ly Adverbs properly
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​Class – 273
HOW to describe Situations & Experiences with Adverbs
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​Class – 274
Learn to use: Often, Seldom, Rarely, Frequently, Occasionally
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​Class – 275
Difference: Daily and Every day | Adverbs of definite frequency
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​Class – 276
LEARN: Perhaps, Probably, Certainly, Obviously, Definitely
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​Class – 277
How to use: IN, ON, OUT, OFF, UP, DOWN | Adverbs of place
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​Class – 278
In front, At front, Behind, At back, In back
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​Class – 279
Useful English Sentences for DAILY life
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​Class – 280
Most useful Spoken English sentences for daily life (using the adverb ‘Back’)
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